Articles & Publications
- Law Review Article, “Capital-Sentencing-The-Effect-of-Adding-Aggravators-to-Death-Penalty-Statutes-in-Pennsylvania.” The University of Pittsburgh of Law Review, Volume 65, Issue 3 (Spring 2004)
- Law Review Article, “Historical-Overview-of-the-Judicial-Selection-Process-in-the-United-States-Is-the-Electoral-System-in-Pennsylvania-Unjustified” Volume 49 Villanova Law Review 1 (2004)
- Villanova Law Review, Dedication to Dean Steven P. Frankino, 51 Vill. L. Rev. 15 (2006)
- Law Review Article, “Capital Sentencing: The Effect of Adding Aggravators to Death Penalty Statutes in Pennsylvania.” The University of Pittsburgh of Law Review, Volume 65, Issue 3 (Spring 2004)
- Law Review Article, “Historical Overview of the Judicial Selection Process in the United States: Is the Electoral System in Pennsylvania Unjustified?” 49 Villanova Law Review 1 (2004)
- Law Review Article, “Certification of State Law Questions: Pennsylvania’s Experience in the First Five Years.” 75 Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly 47 (2004)
- Law Review Article, “Appellate Mediation in Pennsylvania: Expanding Upon the Success of the Commonwealth Court”. 5 The Journal of Appellate Practice and Process 409 (2003)
- Villanova Law Review, Dedication to Dean Harold Gill Reuschlein, 45 Vill. L. Rev. 9 (2000)
- Author of Trial Practice and Consultant, 3 Volume Book: “Alimony, Child Support and Counsel Fees,” Matthew Bender & Company, Inc., Publisher (1988)